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Posted 03/06/2024 in General Health by Jenny Hendricks

Unlocking Weight Loss Success: Understanding What, How, and Why

Unlocking Weight Loss Success: Understanding What, How, and Why

As we embrace the rejuvenating spirit of spring, many of us recalibrate our health goals and focus on shedding those extra pounds. Weight loss has become a sensitive discussion and I understand why. However, we need to understand that our weight is an important metric to keep an eye on and I am hoping that by reframing how we think about our weight and health, we can begin to stop making it a negative that many of us struggle with. Rather than approaching it as "losing weight," I recommend changing to “carrying a suitable weight” for our body and activity level. I encourage us to adopt a new outlook on weight loss – our identity isn't confined to our weight, but we do bear the responsibility of caring for our bodies. It's about discerning when our bodies may be struggling a bit with the burden of some extra weight.

Our bodies, much like our pets, cars, and homes, require care and attention. When they signal a need, we understand the importance of addressing it. Our bodies carry us through the journey of life, supporting our pursuit of meaning, therefore, they becomes an integral part of that meaningful existence. It's not about seeking perfection; instead, it's about determining the healthy weight for our own well-being, without comparing ourselves to others.

Personally, I've found myself labeled as "overweight" on the BMI chart for as long as I can remember and even though I’m only about 5'5", I've come to terms with the fact that I'll never fit into the 130 lbs category – and that's perfectly fine. My focus is on feeling strong and capable, which for me, boosts my confidence. It's about embracing and appreciating the unique strength and resilience that my body provides. But I also know when I am carrying a little extra weight. I can feel it in my joints, I don’t feel as light on my feet during workouts, I can feel it when getting up from the floor, squating down to pick something up, or when doing physical work around our home feels a bit more strenous and uncomfortable. 

So let’s dive into the vital WHAT, HOW, and WHY of this common struggle. I hope these ideas offer valuable insights and strategies that can empower you in your weight loss endeavors.

WHAT: Nourishing Our Body for Success. Our daily choices, especially what we put on our forks, has significant influence over our health and weight loss endeavors. The typical American diet, full of large portions of calorie-dense processed foods, poses a challenge to those seeking a healthier lifestyle. Our society's shift toward convenience has led to eating larger portions than we need, eating more frequently than we need to, and a decline in fruit and vegetable consumption, contributing to health issues like diabetes, obesity, and more.

To kickstart your weight loss journey, consider these guidelines: prioritize plant-based and real foods, load up on vegetables, opt for low-glycemic fruits (or if you’re not eating any fruit consistently in your diet, start swapping processed snacks for a piece of ANY fruit) incorporate lean proteins or plant-based alternatives, include healthy fats like avocados and olive oil, and include a fiber-rich food in every meal. These are general guidelines that most of us can follow, even though we can be different with individual dietary needs. My coaching supports those seeking to improve their nutrition, along with helping find the best experts to provide nutritional services for any special needs or health conditions. 

HOW: Cultivating Healthy Habits. Behavioral change is key. Our actions shape our beliefs and self-identity. By committing to healthier choices, we initiate a positive psychological shift that impacts how we perceive ourselves. Taking the time to practice balancing meals at a macro-nutrient level prevents blood sugar rollercoasters, and avoiding the cravings that come with eating processed carbohydrates. Doing this automatically is a skill set, it requires a committment in changing habits around preparing for what you’ll eat. So don’t get discouraged, keep practicing meal planning. I promise it does eventually become a habit you’ll hardly realized you’re doing once you’ve prioritized this for a consistent period of time. 

Along with meal planning, prioritize integrating several vital healthy living routines into your daily schedule, including regular physical activity, getting enough sleep, and grocery shopping to ensure you have nutritious options on hand. These practices prevent impulsive, unhealthy food choices driven by hunger or lack of sleep. 

WHY: Navigating Challenges for Lasting Change. Understanding why adopting a healthy lifestyle proves to be challenging for most of us requires self examination. Our environments, shaped by habits and influences from those around us, play a pivotal role. Stress, often endemic in our lives, leads to elevated cortisol levels, impacting weight and overall health. Personal narratives and experiences can create emotional barriers that also hinders progress and returning to unhealthy habits. Mindfulness and the ability to pay attention, in my experience, is also an area most of us need to consider as sometimes lack of progress can be due to simply not paying attention and allowing something else to pull our attention elsewhere that is not supporting our health. We can spend too much time on our phones instead of practicing our desired health habit routines, we grab food mindlessly that is tempting us at work, we eat while we’re working so we don’t pay attention to the internal cues of fullness, or we don’t realize we have built in a habit of eating in front of the T.V. These are just a few examples to why nutritionists and registered dietitians have integrated mindful eating into their recommendations. 

So the key is to shift our focus from losing weight to nurturing habits that can naturally lead us there. It's all about creating a supportive environment for ourselves — making the “healthy choice the easy choice.” 

Seeking the guidance of a health and wellness coach can unravel the complexities behind repeated weight loss cycles. I conduct thorough interviews and explorations to identify the barriers preventing the adaptation of healthy habits. If you're seeking support, reach out for a free consultation HERE to tailored assistance to your unique health goals. What brings me the most joy is witnessing my clients transform novel, demanding routines and habits into ingrained aspects of their daily lives, and observing the confidence and happiness that naturally radiate from these changes.

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